
Qingdao Shiweiku Foods Co., Ltd.,

  • Spicy Crayfish~The new season comes!
    May 07, 2022 Spicy Crayfish~The new season comes!

    The crayfish originates in northern America, which was imported to Japan from US in 1918 and imported to China from Japan in 1929. It grows in rivers, lakes and ponds in southern China.

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  • Ready-To-Eat Foods Trends and Facts
    April 22, 2022 Ready-To-Eat Foods Trends and Facts

    The ready-to-eat food sector continues to thrive while restaurant dine-in services decline. COVID-19, as we all know, stifled a lot of companies, but several trends are gaining traction in the industry. The same may be said for the ready-to-eat (RTE) food products market. This is because preparation (which includes purchasing supplies, thawing, washing, chopping, and so on), cooking, washing, and putting your utensils back in the cabinet takes up far too many hours in a day. A single meal can take up to three hours to prepare, yet we need to consume at least three meals every day to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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  • Green asparagus! The new season comes!
    April 08, 2022 Green asparagus! The new season comes!

    There’re two harvest seasons of green asparagus every year, Apr-Jun in spring and Sep-Nov in autumn. Now, the spring season has started.

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  • Need onion rings? New containers are shipped!
    March 28, 2022 Need onion rings? New containers are shipped!

    We have two types of onion rings, natural cut and reformed. The powder coatings are also in two ways: crumbed coating and battered coating. ...

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  • The new season of carrot is coming!
    March 18, 2022 The new season of carrot is coming!

    There’re two seasons of carrots, in spring and in autumn. The cultivation time for spring is in Dec, and for autumn is in Aug...

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  • Potatoes in Gulang County exports to Vietnam through our company!
    March 16, 2022 Potatoes in Gulang County exports to Vietnam through our company!

    Gulang County is located at the eastern end of the Hexi Corridor, at the northern foot of Wushaoling and Maomao Mountain, with an altitude of 1700-2000m ...

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